A BBM EXCLUSIVE - NOW AVAILABLE from Bigblindmedia is the ‘Worker’s Dream Pocket Folio’, a reworking of Harry Robson’s most popular creation. Beautifully produced in an exquisite tan leather by Tony Curtis and Derek Rutt, the WDPF has some incredible features, including a signed card to envelope, signed card to folio, Mullica style no-palm signed card to folio, 2 peeks, Out to Lunch and an in plain sight secret writing area! All in ONE pocket sized package!
Measurements (Main Wallet) - 15cm high, 10.5cm wide and 2cm deep.
In the package you also receive 10 Bonsalopes, 10 Harry Robson card to envelope guides, an ‘old skool’ instructional booklet full of routine ideas and handling tips (photography by Steve Haresign and professionally printed by Haresign Press) and video tuition from our very own Biz.
So, what can the Worker's Dream Folio do?
Impromptu Signed Card to Wallet
No matter what the situation is, this wallet is always ready to reveal a signed card. Without any preset, you can reveal the card in the wallet, repeated as many times as you like.
Signed Card to Sealed Envelope
Take the card to wallet concept to a whole new level. Not only does the spectator's signed card end inside the zipped compartment of your wallet, but it is also in a fully SEALED envelope. Using Harry's special "Hands Off" method means the spectator can open the wallet and take the envelope out themselves! Not only that but this is INSTANT RESET. Perfect for table-hopping, cocktail parties and can even play to a large audience.
Out To Lunch
This is a built in feature of the wallet with some mind-blowing ideas using the famous Out to Lunch principle. There are a number of unique features to this wallet and this is just one of them. Imagine a spectator writing and signing their own prediction. When the prediction is shown to be incorrect the magician is able to correct the signed prediction and create a lasting memory!
Wallet in a Wallet
The ultimate impromptu signed card to impossible location. A spectator selects and signs a card. You can then reveal their signed card to be inside a small wallet which itself is inside your larger wallet. This is a mind blowing effect and is yet another feature of The Worker's Dream.
Peek Features
This wallet also contains TWO forms of an external peek! This means a spectator can write any piece of information they like, seal it inside the wallet and the magician is able to peek the information cleanly and clearly.
Harry has been developing wallets for over twenty-five years and has managed to combine all of the best features of the past into one truly unique package, all at an attractive price for a wallet of this fine quality.